The creative couple — the containing space in the family and couple therapy
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Zespół Terapii Rodzin, Centrum Neuropsychiatrii NEUROMED we Wrocławiu
Submission date: 2020-06-18
Final revision date: 2020-08-17
Acceptance date: 2020-08-17
Publication date: 2020-12-30
Corresponding author
Beata Grządziel   

Centrum Neuropsychiatrii NEUROMED we Wrocławiu ul Białowieska 74a 54-235 Wrocław
Psychoter 2020;194(3):19-30
This is the second part of the article about the issue of cooperation of two therapists in family and couple therapy. The title of the paper refers to the state of mind in which the idea of the relationship provides a third position for two individuals creating a couple. The article deliberates on the questions if and how co-therapy can be useful for both the therapists’ work and for the patients or if co-therapy helps the patients to make changes. It also raises the issue of therapeutic relationship development and the impact of it on the whole therapeutic process. The paper describes how some developmental achievements allow seeing a different perspective and taking in metaposition. The following part of the article presents specifics of supervision for two therapists. The conclusion contains the reflections on the difference in achieving the therapeutic change. The paragraph dedicated to the meaning of sex in co-therapy suggests the necessity to do additional research work considering gender difference. The collected material is a result of individual searches during a long-term psychotherapy practice based mainly on the Milan systemic therapy and taking into account the unconscious dynamics running in families and couple relationships.
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