Dialog według Antoniego Kępińskiego: komentarz do sesji „Pacjent jako osoba
Psychoter 2012;163(4):47-54
The article is a comment to Anna Liberadzka's lecture, From patient to person and Tadeusz Gadacz's paper, Professor Antoni Kepinski - dialogical thinker presented at the, The patient as the person session, during the, Thinking: Kepinski symposium organised on the 40th anniversary of his death. Kepinski's conception, presented in his books and articles may be understood deeper in the context of views of the personally transferred by his collaborators and their trainees. A personalistic contact with a patient takes place only when the therapist does not make any of the main possible mistakes in his attitude towards the patient, as described by Kepinski, i.e., mistakes of :, attitude of the subject onto the object,, mask and, judge. Kepinski had knowledge of philosophy, but did not write philosophical texts. Contrary, he focused on a description of the optimal therapeutic management. However, his views inspired Polish philosophers, mainly, Jozef Tischner in his phenomenological analyses of important phenomena. The therapist's awareness of limitations of his/her knowledge, especially about the most useful solutions of the patient's problems is of crucial meaning for good therapeutic contact. The therapist's sincere interest in his patients' ideas helps the patient to experience strength of one's own resources, which in turn facilitates improvement of his/her self-portrait (self-esteem) and restoration of his abilities to fulfil personal goals.
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